Whatever you are facing : Do It Afraid, Do it Discouraged, Do it Alone: “We Are Holding The Purse!”
Life Lessons: Whatever you are facing : Do It Afraid, Do it Discouraged, Do it Alone: “We Are Holding The Purse!” This has been a year of...

“Even Now” There Are No Coincidences, Only Divine Appointments
I was out walking this weekend on a carriage trail for some “be still” time. The quietness, the beautiful green canopy provided by the...

Snatch the Band-Aid!
New Mantra for Life: “Snatch the Band- Aid!” I was in Kroger’s yesterday and I heard this woman screaming. Alarmed, I looked around to...

Office Wisdom: Building Your Mental Immunity
The reality is we are living in frightening times. The news reports of devastating outcomes abroad and the rising uncertainty of what...

Life Lessons: The Mustard Seed Challenge
“If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove, and...

A Secret to Maintain Your Joy During the Holiday Season: “One Life”
As I write this I am sitting looking at a picture of my beautiful mother. Today would have been her 88th birthday. While I miss her with...

Divine Delays: Finding Confidence When You Feel Fear that is Approaching Despair
Everyday Miracles – Perservering & Remembering We all have had a time in life when we are losing or have lost confidence. The hardest...

The Flow: "Endings are really the open door to new beginnings…We simply must have the courage t
As I sit at my desk I am looking at the pictures of my three children smiling back at me in their caps and gowns. My daughter Chloe just...

Life Lessons: #BeAnAnswer To Someone’s Prayer 🙏🏽
Today my daughter Chloe spoke words that resonated deep within my soul. Her friend lost her mother several years ago and was having a...

“He Who Laughs Last…Laughs Longest”
This year on New Year’s Eve my family opened up our “Time Capsule” where we wrote down our goals for 2017. Well…my sons and daughter...